12 October - 28 October: To the Beat of My Own Drum
To The Beat of My Own Drum combines the audiovisual work of five artists that work on the crossroads of visual arts, the music industry and nightlife. This multi-sensory exhibition, stimulated by light, sound and moving images shows how 'high culture' and 'club culture' are closely intertwined and how these two different worlds strengthen each other.
In the exibition we present works by Boris Acket & Nick Verstand, Heleen Blanken, Jochem Esser, Anan Striker and Danielle Kwaaitaal.
The exhibition is part of Amsterdam Dance Event's Festival by Day and is freely accessible. The exhibition takes places in Beautiful Distress House and Nieuw Dakota.
Opening Hours
12 through 14 October:
Friday: 18:00 - 21:00 hrs
Saturday and sunday: 12:00 - 18:00 hrs
17 through 21 October:
12:00 - 23:00 hrs
24 through 28 October:
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 11:00 - 18:00 hrs
Saturday and Sunday: 12:00 - 18:00 hrs
Extra Events
Thursday 18 October: Live performances by Anan Striker with soundscapes/meditation with tapes and cassettes
Friday 19 October: De Nationale Opera presents Telemusik by Stockhausen at 17.00, 20.00 and 21.00 hrs
Saturday 20 October: Live act by Wanderwelle at 18.00 hrs
To the Beat of My Own Drum is a collaboration with curator Mette Samkalden, Grey Men, entertainment & Media, Nieuw Dakota and Beautiful Distress.