Jantine Wijnja
Winter 2014
Title: Reisgids Den Dolder
Order information:
You will receive Reisgids Den Dolder by transferring € 17,50 per copy + postal charges into the following bankaccount: NL21FVLB0699413095 (in the name of Stichting Kunstenaarsverblijf Het Vijfde Seizoen). Please mention the titel of the book (Reisgids Den Dolder) as reference. Send your postal address and the number of copies you want to order to the following email address: info@vijfde-seizoen.nl
Number of pages: 175, colour
Dimension: 12 x 17 cm
Language: Dutch / English
Drawings and design: Hansje van Halem
Augmented reality: Layar, met dansers van Random Colision
Edition: 800 copies
Print: Mart Spruijt
ISBN: 978-90-822437-0-3
Publisher: Stichting Kunstenaarsverblijf Het Vijfde Seizoen
Reisgids Den Dolder was made possible with the support of Altrecht ggz, Het Mondriaan Fonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuur Fonds, Stichting Stokroos, Kf. Heinfonds, Layar, and all the donators who supported through Voor de Kunst.