Residencies Art Academies
For young art professionals, The Fifth Season can be a platform for fieldwork, research and experiment.
Since 2015 The Fifth Season has made it its mission to make one residency period per year available to a Dutch art academy.
In 2015, sixteen international students of Sandberg Institute's Cure Master worked at The Fifth Season, supervised by artist Martijn Engelbregt. The year after, thirteen students of the Fine Art department of ArtEZ University of the Arts stayed at the residency. Together with artist and teacher Lado Darakhvelidze they developed a multi media installation in the residency. The year after, a group of photography students of the Gerrit Rietveld Academy worked in the The Fifth Season. The students got weekly tutorials from teachers Hanne Hagenaars and Vincent Zedelius in Den Dolder. They researched the meaning of photography in context of psychiatry. In 2018, students of the HKU stayed in The Fifth Season with teachers and former residents Frank Koolen and Anno Dijkstra. The students presented their work in a group exhibition at Beautiful Distress House called SEE OVERLEAF.
You can find more information on the residency periods of art academies under 'Artists'.